・Modern Kitchen Style: Clean and contemporary faucet ideal for any kitchen sink.
・Kraus Finishes resist corrosion and rust, surpass industry durability standards, and will not fade over time.
・Reach Pull-Down Technology: Easy-retract flexible hose with swivel adapter offers the ability to flex, pivot, and reach all around the sink.
・GlideAssure Faucet Body: Sprayer hose effortlessly glides in and out of faucet with minimal wear and tear on the spout.
・Long-Lasting Performance: Heavy-duty lead-free construction and a top-quality ceramic valve provide a lifetime of reliable drip free use.
説明: KPF-2620CH Finish: Chrome Features: -Mateo collection. -Low flow neoperl aerator with easy clean rubber nozzles to prevent hard water build up. -All metal body for maximum durability. -Easy diy quickdock top mount installation. -Design for effortless temperature and flow control. -High arch spout swivels 360° for complete sink access. Product Type: -Standard kitchen faucet. Pieces Included: -1. Number of Installation Holes: -1. Water Saving: -Yes. Dimensions: -Aerator clearance size: 8.19". Overall Faucet Height: -15.75". Overall Faucet Depth: -8.69". Overall Product Weight: -4.91 lbs. Spout Reach: -9". Installation Hole Diameter: -1.38".
カテゴリー: 蛇口
メーカー: Kraus
ブランド: Kraus
高さ: 63.5 センチ
幅: 33.0 センチ
奥行: 9.5 センチ
重量: 3.9 Kg
残り 1 点 27720.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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